Prepare for an epic clash between action powerhouses Vidyut Jammwal and Arjun Rampal as they face off on the big screen in the upcoming film “Crakk.” The movie is set to hit cinemas on 23rd February 2024, promising an intense battle of skills and charisma.
The newly unveiled poster for “Crakk” sets the stage for the showdown between Vidyut Jammwal and Arjun Rampal. Directed by Aditya Datt, the film is produced by Vidyut Jammwal and Abbas Sayyed, creating high expectations for an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience.
Fans are eagerly anticipating the face-off between these two talented actors known for their remarkable action sequences and on-screen presence. With the clash date set, cinephiles can mark their calendars for an action-packed spectacle when “Crakk” arrives in theaters.
As the excitement builds for this thrilling confrontation, stay tuned for more updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses from the sets of “Crakk.”