The long-awaited wedding of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will take place today (April 14, 2022). The date was finally confirmed by the groom’s mother and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor and daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni while greeting the paps on duty.
Riddhima Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor interacted with the paparazzi after the first ceremony of the day. They appear to be back home after the haldi ceremony at Vastu. A yellow stain of turmeric paste could be seen on Riddhima’s kurta.
Ranbir and Alia will be getting married as per Punjabi rituals, and Ranbir’s baraat will be taken to the ladkiwalas’ place.
The wedding festivities will begin from April 13 with the Mehendi ceremony followed by a Sangeet ceremony, the next day. The Big Bollywood Wedding will finally take place on April 14, in an intimate ceremony amid close friends and family members.