Netflix India has unveiled the highly-anticipated trailer of ‘The Archies,’ a Zoya Akhtar production that transports the audience to the whimsical world of 1960s Riverdale, India. The trailer features a musical narrative led by seven charming characters from the beloved Archie comics, exploring the retro atmosphere of love, friendship, and youthful aspirations.
The trailer provides a deeper look into the narrative filled with music, camaraderie, and a quest to make their voices heard. It concludes with a profound message, “You are never too young to change the world,” leaving audiences curious and eager for the full story to unfold.
Director Zoya Akhtar expressed her excitement about bringing Riverdale to a new generation, and she aimed to capture the wholesome essence of the original Archie comics. The star cast of the film includes Agastya Nanda, Dot., Khushi Kapoor, Mihir Ahuja, Suhana Khan, Vedang Raina, and Yuvraj Menda.
‘The Archies’ is set to be released exclusively on Netflix on December 7, 2023.
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