Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Johnny Deep spends 48 lakh at an Indian Restaurant “Varanasi” at Birmingham

Johnny Depp is on Cloud 9 after his recent triumph in the court battle against his ex-wife Amber Heard in a defamation lawsuit. The Hollywood star was recently spotted dining at an Indian restaurant in Birmingham, England.

But, one might wonder as to what is the big deal about having dinner at a restaurant? Well, in Depp’s case, he ended up spending a staggering amount of $60,000 (around Rs 46.62 lakh) in the restaurant.

Johnny Depp had visited the Indian restaurant named Varanasi along with 20 of his friends, including guitarist Jeff Beck on Sunday. According to the Operation Director of Varanasi, Mohammed Hussain, the restaurant was informed about Depp’s visit on a short notice.

“I was shocked and at first, I thought it might have been a wind-up,” said Hussain. He added that the star arrived with his security team around 7 pm and the whole restaurant was booked for them.

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