Akshay Kumar disclosed the first glimpse of his Diwali flick Ram Setu, one of the most awaited films of the year. Taking to his Instagram handle, the 54-year-old actor shared a post featuring himself with Jacqueline Fernandez and Satya Dev.
He captioned the post, “A glimpse into the world of #RamSetu. In cinemas Diwali, 2022.”
In the picture, Akshay could be spotted sporting a salt and pepper look, holding a fire-torch in his hand, while Jacqueline and Satya Dev could be spotted standing beside them gazing at a similar point. The entire glimpse looks extremely intense, as the base background of the picture gives a mysteriously historical vibe.
This action-adventure drama is a story of an archaeologist who races against time to prove the true existence of the legendary Ram-Setu. It will bring to light a story that is deeply rooted in Indian cultural and historical heritage.