The much-anticipated trailer for ‘Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak?’ is out now, promising an engaging cinematic experience. Starring Rajesh Sharma, Bhushan Pattiyal, Gaurav Sharma, Chittaranjan Giri, and Dheerendra Dwivedi, this film is set to hit cinemas on 16th February 2024, as a Cinépolis India release.
Watch the trailer here: Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak? Trailer
Written and directed by Mukul Vikram, the film is produced by Sohani Kumari and Alka Choudhary. The intriguing trailer offers a glimpse into the narrative, leaving audiences eager to uncover the mysteries and emotions that unfold in ‘Aakhir Palaayan Kab Tak?’ as it graces the big screen. Save the date for this cinematic journey set to captivate hearts and minds on 16th February 2024.
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