It’s been two decades since the iconic trio of Akshay Kumar, Lara Dutta, and Priyanka Chopra graced the screen in Andaaz. Now, breaking the long-awaited silence, director Suneel Darshan has shared thrilling updates about the film’s sequel. As per the latest reports, the sequel is set to hit the floors soon.
According to a prominent entertainment portal, Suneel Darshan expressed, “Twenty years after the release of the 2003 hit Andaaz, which marked the debut of Lara Dutta and Priyanka Chopra opposite Akshay Kumar, I am all set to commence filming for Andaaz 2. The shoot is scheduled to begin tomorrow.”
Darshan revealed that Andaaz 2 will feature three new talents in leading roles, accompanied by original music composed by Nadeem of Nadeem-Shravan fame and lyrics penned by Sameer and Nadeem.
This Shree Krishna International presentation is a testament to Suneel Darshan’s multifaceted role as writer, producer, and director. Andaaz, which served as the debut for Lara Dutta Bhupathi and elevated Priyanka Chopra Jonas to a parallel lead after her supporting role in The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, remains a significant milestone in Bollywood cinema. Now, with Andaaz 2 on the horizon, audiences are eagerly anticipating another cinematic journey crafted by the talented filmmaker.