In a delightful departure from the usual glamorous portrayal of movie heroes, Yash, the pan-India star and ‘KGF’ hero, has shattered stereotypes by being spotted at a grocery store, indulging in the simple pleasure of purchasing ice candy. What added to the charm of this spontaneous act was the presence of his wife beside him, creating a heartwarming moment that has since gone viral across social media.
Unexpected Grocery Store Excursion:
Yash, accompanied by his family, recently visited Shirali in the Bhatkal district of North Karnataka. Seizing the opportunity to break away from the usual celebrity lifestyle, the family made an unexpected stop at a local grocery store, making the visit a unique and memorable experience.
Viral Social Media Sensation:
During their exploration of the local surroundings, Yash and his family visited the Chitrapura Math before heading to a nearby small shop. It was here that the couple decided to indulge in some chocolates and ice candy. The endearing moments captured in photos have since become a viral sensation on various social media platforms, showcasing the actor’s relatability and down-to-earth nature.
Yash’s Well-Deserved Break and Upcoming Project:
Amidst the circulating buzz, Yash, who gained immense acclaim for his role in ‘KGF,’ is currently taking a break from the spotlight. Fans, eagerly awaiting his return to the big screen, can anticipate his upcoming project titled ‘Toxic.’ This break not only allows the actor some personal time but also adds to his appeal as a celebrity who finds joy in simple, everyday pleasures.