Tripti Dimri, the talented actress who captured hearts with her debut alongside Ranbir Kapoor in ‘Animal’, is not only making waves on the silver screen but also on social media. Recently, she left fans in awe with a series of scintillating photos where she is draped in a luxurious Christian Dior towel, exuding glamour with every glance.
Dimri’s poses in these photos are nothing short of mesmerizing. The daring backless look showcases her toned physique flawlessly, while her confident gaze into the camera exudes magnetic allure. These images have set a new standard for allure on Instagram, leaving fans awestruck by her bold and captivating presence.
Work front
While Tripti’s social media presence is undoubtedly striking, her career in acting is equally promising. With three highly anticipated films in her lineup – including Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Bad News’, Raj Kumar’s ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’, and Kartik Aaryan’s ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ – She was was last seen in Animal.