Following the unprecedented success of “Hanu Man,” the much-anticipated sequel, “Jai Hanuman,” is gearing up for production with a budget that surpasses its predecessor by tenfold. Director Prasanth Varma, keen on enhancing the cinematic experience, is considering ‘Rocking Star’ Yash, renowned for his role in KGF, as the primary choice to portray the revered character of Lord Hanuman.
As the sequel promises a more extravagant cinematic spectacle with an amplified budget, director Prasanth Varma aims to bring added attractions to “Jai Hanuman” that were previously beyond reach in the first film. Amidst the growing buzz surrounding the casting choices, it has been confirmed that Ram Charan Teja is currently undergoing auditions for the role of Lord Rama.
However, recent reports suggest that ‘Rocking Star’ Yash has emerged as the top contender for the significant role of Lord Hanuman. A reliable source close to director Prasanth Varma clarified, “There is some confusion in the Mumbai press over the casting of Bajrangbali Hanuman. Teja Sajja played Hanumanth in ‘Hanu Man,’ and he will reprise the same role in the sequel ‘Jai Hanuman.’ Lord Hanuman will also play a prominent part in the sequel, and Yash is a very strong contender for the role. Although he was not considered for the first film, this false narrative is circulating in the Mumbai media. However, Yash is most likely to play Lord Hanuman in the sequel, while Teja Sajja will portray Hanumanji’s devoted follower, Hanumanth.”
The potential casting of ‘Rocking Star’ Yash as Lord Hanuman adds an exciting dimension to the much-anticipated sequel, further fueling the anticipation and speculation surrounding the project. As “Jai Hanuman” takes shape with a stellar ensemble cast, fans eagerly await official announcements to witness the cinematic magic that unfolds with this ambitious production.