Raashi Khanna, the versatile and stunning actress, recently unveiled a ‘never-seen-before’ avatar, redefining the denim-on-denim style in a unique way. The actress showcased a trendy spin on denim, presenting a captivating ensemble that highlights her jaw-dropping figure.
In this bold look, Raashi Khanna wears an open-neckline denim bralette with thin strip sleeves that accentuate her collarbones. The high-waist denim skirt, featuring a thigh-high slit, adds a classy and trendy touch to her appearance. Completing the ensemble with a matching denim jacket, Raashi strikes bold poses for the camera, flaunting her curvy figure with confidence.
The actress adds a touch of golden spark to her look with stud earrings and layers of bangles. Her messy hairstyle, smokey eyes, dewy face, and nude pink lips contribute to the overall glam, creating a wow factor. Raashi Khanna effortlessly rocks the bold denim-on-denim style, emphasizing her hourglass figure and leaving fans in awe. The pictures of this bold look have quickly gone viral on the internet.