Mrunal Thakur, the talented actress known for her stellar performances on screen, has once again raised the fashion bar with her latest appearance. As she gears up for her upcoming film ‘Family Star’ alongside Vijay Deverakonda, Mrunal recently shared a stunning picture on her social media platform, leaving fans in awe of her impeccable style.
In the photo, Mrunal looks like an absolute vision in a black shimmering blazer paired with a matching white skirt. The outfit exudes glamour and sophistication, with its shimmer adding a touch of allure to her ensemble. Complementing the outfit perfectly, Mrunal showcases a new hairstyle and accessorizes with diamond earrings that elevate her look to new heights.
Her makeup is equally on point, featuring a subtle yet glossy look that enhances her natural beauty. Pink eyeliner and lipstick add a pop of color, accentuating her features and completing the glamorous ensemble.
In the caption, Mrunal reveals that she wore this showstopping ensemble for the Grazia Fashion Awards. Designed by Akhil Studio, the outfit is from their Pre-Madonna collection and was the winner of the Grazia 2021 award. Mrunal playfully mentions the bangs she sported with the look, channeling her inner “material girl” for a few minutes.
On the work front, Mrunal Thakur was last seen in “Hi nanna”.