Karishma Sharma, known for her glamorous persona in Bollywood, continues to make waves in the style circuit, despite the performance of her latest film ‘Ek Villain Returns’ at the box office. Recently, she shared a picture from her holiday that has ignited a frenzy on the internet.
Karishma steals the spotlight in a chic white tube top paired with a trendy boy-ruched mini skirt, showcasing her impeccable fashion sense. The addition of dark pink heels injects a playful burst of color into her ensemble, while her high ponytail adds a touch of sophistication, completing her effortlessly stylish look.
It’s evident that Karishma is basking in the sunshine and embracing the scenic views, proving that her fashion prowess remains unmatched, irrespective of her film projects.
Work front
Karishma sharma’s recent appearance in a music video alongside singer Abdu Rozik for ‘Pyaar’ underscores her versatility beyond the silver screen.