The much-anticipated Telugu film “Bhimaa,” featuring Gopichand in the lead role, has unveiled its official trailer. Directed by Harsha, known for his work in Kannada cinema, “Bhimaa” marks his debut in Telugu cinema. Produced by KK Radhamohan, the film promises a compelling narrative complemented by the music of Ravi Basrur. “Bhimaa” also stars Priya Bhavani Shankar and Malvika Sharma in significant roles.
Trailer Release:
The trailer for “Bhimaa” is now available, offering a glimpse into the film’s storyline, characters, and the intense performances of the cast. The trailer release sets the stage for the film’s theatrical debut.
Trailer :
Watch the trailer for “Bhimaa”
Directed by Harsha:
Harsha, a director with a successful track record in Kannada cinema, ventures into Telugu filmmaking with “Bhimaa.” His unique storytelling style and directorial expertise add an element of curiosity and anticipation to the project.
Produced by KK Radhamohan:
The film is produced by KK Radhamohan, a prominent name in the Telugu film industry. His association with the project ensures a high standard of production quality and cinematic appeal.
Music by Ravi Basrur:
The music for “Bhimaa” is composed by Ravi Basrur, known for his impactful and soulful compositions. The music is expected to enhance the overall cinematic experience.
Release Date – March 8, 2024:
“Bhimaa” is scheduled to hit cinemas on March 8, 2024, coinciding with the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivratri. The release date adds a special touch, and fans of Gopichand and Telugu cinema can anticipate an entertaining experience during the festive season.