Disha Patani, known for her impeccable sense of style and fashion experimentation, once again proved her fashion prowess as she graced the red carpet at a recent award ceremony in Mumbai. The actress effortlessly transformed the red carpet into her own personal runway, commanding attention with her stunning appearance in a Ritika Mirchandani ensemble that epitomized spring glamour with a touch of glitz.
Patani’s ability to infuse her unique style into any fashion equation is nothing short of fabulous. While she is often seen rocking beachwear and airport looks with ease, she proved that her fashion wizardry extends far beyond these realms, as she confidently owned the red carpet in her latest appearance.
The actress turned heads in a phenomenal outfit that seamlessly combined floral elements with glitzy accents. The focal point of her ensemble was a bustier-style top adorned with intricate 3D floral embellishments, adding a touch of whimsy and sophistication to her look. Paired with a thigh-high slit skirt in a blush pink hue, doused in shimmering details, the outfit exuded elegance and glamour in equal measure. The slight flare of the skirt further complemented the overall style, creating a silhouette that was both flattering and chic.
Patani continued her dewy glam streak with her makeup, opting for soft, radiant skin and a beautiful shade of pink lipstick that added a pop of color to her look. Her braided tresses styled into a pigtail were the perfect choice to tie together her overall appearance, adding a playful yet polished touch to her ensemble.
On the work front, Disha Patani was last seen in “Kisi ka bhai Kisi ka Jaan” .