Alia Bhatt, known for her impeccable style and grace, recently graced the premiere of ‘Heeramandi’ in Mumbai, radiating an aura of royalty and sophistication. The actress left everyone spellbound with her regal ensemble and effortless charm, establishing herself as the true royal highness of the red carpet.
For the premiere event, Alia opted for a breathtaking cream-colored embroidered sleeveless kurta paired with a lehenga, exuding timeless elegance and refinement. The intricate embroidery adorning the outfit added a touch of opulence, while the sleeveless design beautifully showcased Alia’s toned arms, adding a modern twist to the traditional attire. Her choice of attire reflected her discerning taste and innate sense of style, capturing the essence of royalty with every step she took.
Completing her majestic look, Alia opted for a glossy makeup look and left her hair open, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. With her poise and grace, she commanded attention on the red carpet, captivating onlookers with her unparalleled charm and charisma. As she gracefully walked the carpet, Alia effortlessly embodied the essence of a true Nawab, leaving an indelible impression on all who beheld her.
Beyond her stellar red carpet appearances, Alia continues to make waves in the film industry, balancing her acting commitments with her role as a producer. Currently, she is immersed in filming for her upcoming movie ‘Jigra,’ showcasing her versatility and dedication to her craft.
Work front
On the work front, Alia Bhatt was last seen in Brahmastra