Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon has been in the spotlight not just for her film career but also for the milestones her family has been achieving lately. Recently, her sister Nupur Sanon launched her own clothing brand, marking a significant moment for the Sanon family. At the launch event, Kriti turned heads with her stylish and elegant outfit, showcasing her support for her sister’s new venture.
Kriti Sanon’s Fashion Statement
Kriti Sanon attended the launch event in a stunning cut-out blue floral dress from Nupur’s newly launched brand. The dress featured a vibrant floral print that added a touch of freshness and charm to her look. The cut-out design of the dress added a modern and chic twist, making it a perfect blend of contemporary style and classic floral patterns. Kriti’s choice of outfit not only highlighted her impeccable fashion sense but also showcased the creative and stylish offerings of her sister’s brand.
Social Media Highlights
To share her joy and support for her sister, Kriti took to her social media account yesterday, posting a series of happy and vibrant pictures from the event. In these pictures, Kriti radiates happiness and pride, capturing the essence of the celebratory occasion. Her posts received an overwhelming response from fans and followers, who admired her look and congratulated the Sanon family on their latest achievement.
Family Support and Celebration
The launch event was a family affair, with the entire Sanon family present to support Nupur. Their presence added a personal and emotional touch to the event, highlighting the strong family bonds and shared celebrations of milestones. Kriti’s appearance in the blue floral dress not only added glamor to the event but also underscored the familial support and love that characterized the launch.