As Amyra Dastur celebrated her 31st birthday in style, the actress proved once again why she’s a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. While the details of her birthday bash remain a mystery, Amyra delighted fans with a mesmerizing throwback from the Bombay Times Fashion Week.
In the captivating snapshot, Amyra eschews the traditional birthday festivities for the glamour of the runway. Draped in a sleek black dress, she exudes an air of timeless elegance that commands attention. The form-fitting silhouette accentuates her curves flawlessly, while her poised demeanor radiates confidence.
Opting for a minimalist approach to accessories, Amyra lets her natural beauty take center stage. Subtle makeup accentuated by winged black eyeliner and a subtle brown lipstick adds a touch of sophistication to her look, perfectly complementing the understated allure of her ensemble.
On the work front, Amyra Dastur was last seen in