Ananya Panday, the epitome of style and grace, once again stole the spotlight with her dazzling appearance at a recent awards function. The Kho Gaye Hum Kahan actress showcased her unapologetic fashion sense as she made a sequinned splash in a stunning sea-green mermaidcore co-ord set.
Known for her impeccable fashion moments, Ananya Panday’s choice of attire for the night was nothing short of mesmerizing. The shimmery sea-green ensemble featured a cropped blouse paired with a floor-sweeping skirt, exuding elegance and sophistication. The thigh-high slit added a touch of drama, further elevating the ensemble’s allure.
What truly set Ananya’s look apart was the sleek snake-themed metallic detailing encrusted with glitter, coiling around her waist like a serpentine jewel. This intricate embellishment added a unique and captivating element to her outfit, serving as the X factor that caught everyone’s attention.
For her makeup, Ananya opted for a minimal-glam approach, with dewy-blushed cheeks complemented by a hint of highlighter and matte pink lips. Her eyes were accentuated with an eyeliner-kohl combo, mascara-coated lashes, and well-arched eyebrows, enhancing her natural beauty with effortless grace.
Statement silver rings served as her only accessory for the star-studded ceremony, adding a touch of sparkle to her ensemble. Meanwhile, her crisscross heels provided the perfect finishing touch, ensuring that her stylish presence was impossible to miss.
Work front
As Ananya Panday embarks on this new chapter in her career with “Call Me Bae,” her fashion choices continue to be as captivating as her on-screen presence.Her fans eagerly await her OTT series debut.