Bollywood’s leading actress Alia Bhatt recently clicked glowing pictures in a golden color saree during an event. These pictures on social media have caused everyone to touch Alia’s beauty and style. In these pictures, Alia Bhatt has introduced her style in a new form with a golden saree.
The glow in the golden color saree:
The pictures of Alia Bhatt in golden saree surprise her fans. The golden color of sarees further enhances their softness and beauty. Along with this, Alia has further enhanced her beauty with a low-neckline blouse. By including a bold look in the designing of the blouse, she makes it even more attractive.
People’s reaction on the beauty of the actress:
When Alia shared these pictures on her Instagram account, fans praised her beauty a lot. Seeing her new look, people have praised her by calling her ‘radiant’ and ‘glamorous’.
Photos during the event:
These pictures were taken during an event of Alia Bhatt, where she was seen in a golden color saree. On this occasion, Alia was seen presenting herself in a new form and made her fans experience a new style.
One the work front,Alia Bhatt was last seen in Rocky aur rani ki prem kahani .