The grand finale of Miss World 2024, held in Mumbai, became a significant milestone in the fashion industry, as the event returned to India after a 28-year hiatus. Amidst the glitz and glamour, Kriti Sanon emerged as a showstopper, stealing the spotlight with her stunning appearance.
The actress graced the occasion in a captivating two-piece ensemble that left the audience in awe. The emerald green outfit featured a sweetheart neckline top that seamlessly flowed into a mermaid-shaped skirt, creating a mesmerizing silhouette. Kriti’s fashion choice not only showcased her impeccable style but also made a lasting impression on the fashion scene at the prestigious Miss World event.
As one of the dazzling attendees at the grand finale, Kriti Sanon’s presence added a touch of Bollywood glamour to the global beauty pageant. Her choice of outfit, blending elegance with a modern flair, reflected the essence of the event and established her as a fashion icon to watch.
Kriti continues to make waves not only in the cinematic world but also on the global fashion stage, leaving an indelible mark with her standout looks.