Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Ankit Gupta turned heads as they graced the Miss World 2024 event together, making a striking style statement. Priyanka radiated elegance in her pink attire, while Ankit opted for a bold black and white bare-chested suit, showcasing a perfect blend of sophistication and contemporary fashion.
The couple’s coordinated yet individualistic fashion choices demonstrated a keen sense of style, capturing attention at the prestigious Miss World event. Priyanka’s pink ensemble exuded grace and charm, complementing Ankit’s dapper look in a sleek black and white suit. Together, they showcased a perfect balance of colors, patterns, and modern aesthetics.
The duo’s appearance at the event not only celebrated beauty and glamour but also showcased their fashion-forward approach, setting a trend that resonated with the glamour of the Miss World platform.
On the work front,Priyanka was last seen in a music video,While Ankit was seen in a tv show .