National Film Award-winning actor Allu Arjun and his wife Sneha Reddy celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary on March 6, and the couple’s joyous celebration was shared with fans through heartwarming glimpses on Instagram. Allu Arjun treated his followers to intimate moments from their special day, including a sweet video and a heartfelt note expressing his love and gratitude.
In a touching video posted by the actor, he can be seen planting a loving kiss on Sneha’s cheek while the soulful melody of “Edho Priya Raagam” plays in the background. Another video captures the family cutting a cake, all four members twinning in stylish black outfits. Alongside the video, Allu Arjun wrote, “Thank you for a sweet evening, cutie.”
To express his heartfelt sentiments on the momentous occasion, Allu Arjun shared an unseen photo from their wedding and penned a touching note on his Instagram story. The caption read, “Happy anniversary cutie. It’s been 13 years now. I have flourished because of your company. I draw energy from your tranquility. Here’s to many more till the end of time.”
The celebration comes amid Allu Arjun’s busy schedule as he gears up for his upcoming release, “Pushpa 2.” In a recent interview with Variety, the actor hinted at the potential of turning “Pushpa” into a franchise, stating, “You can definitely expect part three, we do want to make it a franchise and we have exciting ideas for the lineup.” “Pushpa 2: The Rule” is scheduled to hit the big screens on August 15.
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As the couple continues to radiate love and happiness, fans eagerly anticipate the release of Allu Arjun’s upcoming projects, including “Pushpa 2,” Kortala Siva’s directorial “AA21,” Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s “AA23,” and “ICON.”
Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and milestones for Allu Arjun and Sneha Reddy!