Ananya Panday, the Bollywood sensation and style icon, graced the wedding ceremony of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani in Goa, stealing the spotlight in a breathtaking pale gold saree. The Dream Girl 2 actress showcased her impeccable fashion sense, embracing traditional elegance with a modern twist.
The Exquisite Ensemble:
Ananya Panday chose to wear a glamorous pale gold saree from the renowned designer Arpita Mehta, making a bold yet graceful statement. The saree, priced at 1.70 lakh, featured sheer fabric and a slip glittery blouse, creating a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary elements. The ruffle pleats and the skinny touch accentuated Ananya’s curvy figure, adding to the overall allure.
Minimalistic Glam:
Keeping her accessories simple yet captivating, Ananya adorned beautiful earrings and a bracelet that complemented the pale gold hues of her ensemble. Her makeup was minimal, highlighting her natural beauty with tinted lips. The open hairstyle and golden heels added a touch of breezy sophistication, perfectly suited for the picturesque Goa setting.
Candid Moments in Goa:
Ananya Panday radiated elegance as she posed candidly against the backdrop of Goa’s refreshing greenery during the silhouette hour. The six yards of sheer grace draped around her figure, coupled with her charismatic presence, made for a mesmerizing sight.