Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi, who plays the role of an influencer in the upcoming theatrical movie ‘Crakk,’ shared her thoughts on the influence of social media influencers in the current era. The actress, along with the starcast of ‘Crakk,’ engaged with the media during the film’s trailer launch in Mumbai’s Andheri area.
Influencers in the Digital Age:
Nora Fatehi expressed her views on the growing prominence of influencers in the digital age, emphasizing that being an influencer is not an easy job. She acknowledged the lucrative career opportunities that come with being an influencer, citing the financial benefits and the flexibility it offers. In today’s landscape, where social media platforms and high-speed internet have transformed content creation, influencers play a significant role in shaping trends and connecting with diverse audiences.
Era of Influencers:
Fatehi stated that the current era is defined by influencers, with many aspiring individuals aiming to pursue a career in this field. She highlighted the challenges and requirements of being an influencer, emphasizing the importance of having a unique and attractive personality to engage audiences. Nora shared insights into her character in the film, named Alia, whose distinctive personality contributes to the narrative’s depth and uniqueness.
About ‘Crakk’:
‘Crakk,’ produced by Vidyut Jammwal and Action Hero Films, is a film written and directed by Aditya Datt. The movie is set to hit theaters on February 23, 2024, promising audiences a cinematic experience that reflects the influence and dynamics of the digital age.