The creators of the highly anticipated thriller, “Merry Christmas,” directed by Sriram Raghavan and featuring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, have recently dropped the second track titled ‘Nazar Teri Toofan.’
Shared by Katrina Kaif on her Instagram account, the song has quickly gained popularity, with her caption stating, “Today’s schedule: Listening to #NazarTeriToofan on loop! #MerryChristmas in cinemas on Jan 12 (sic).”
Crafted by the renowned Pritam, ‘Nazar Teri Toofan’ is brought to life by the soulful vocals of Papon, with Varun Grover contributing heartfelt lyrics. The song provides a glimpse into the emotional and visual narrative of the film, adding another layer of excitement for fans eagerly anticipating the movie’s release.
“Merry Christmas” is a bilingual film shot in both Hindi and Tamil, featuring unique supporting actors for each version. The Hindi version includes acclaimed actors such as Sanjay Kapoor, Vinay Pathak, Pratima Kannan, and Tinnu Anand. On the other hand, the Tamil version showcases Radhika Sarathkumar, Shanmugaraja, Kevin Jay Babu, and Rajesh Williams.
Scheduled to hit theaters on January 12, 2024, “Merry Christmas” promises to be a cinematic spectacle, seamlessly blending suspense, drama, and musical brilliance. Stay tuned for more updates as the film’s release date approaches, and get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of “Merry Christmas.”