Actor Vidyut Jammwal’s much-anticipated sports action film, ‘Crakk,’ is all set to hit theaters on February 23, 2024, as announced by the makers on Sunday. Directed by Aditya Datt, known for his work on “Aashiq Banaya Aapne” and “Table No. 21,” the movie is produced under Jammwal’s production banner, Action Hero Films.
The production house took to the microblogging site X to share the exciting news, posing a question to the audience, “Are you #CRAKK enough to risk it all to follow your dream? The stage is set for the ultimate game of survival on 23rd February 2024.”
‘Crakk’ unfolds the compelling journey of a man who rises from the slums of Mumbai to venture into the intense world of underground sports. The film promises a high-octane blend of action and sports drama.
Apart from Vidyut Jammwal, the movie features a stellar cast, including Arjun Rampal, Nora Fatehi, and Amy Jackson in pivotal roles. Aditya Datt, in addition to directing, has also penned the screenplay for ‘Crakk,’ and the film is produced by Vidyut Jammwal and Abbas Sayyed.
As the release date approaches, fans and cinephiles can anticipate a thrilling cinematic experience that combines Vidyut Jammwal’s action prowess with a gripping narrative, making ‘Crakk’ a must-watch on the calendar of action film enthusiasts.