At the star-studded screening of the movie “Farrey,” which marks the debut of Mouni Roy’s niece, Alizeh Agnihotri, the Bollywood diva made a dazzling entrance that stole the spotlight. The event, attended by various prominent personalities from the industry, witnessed a display of high-fashion statements, with Mouni Roy and her husband Suraj Nambiar twinning in black.
In her stunning black ensemble, Mouni Roy once again proved her prowess in making a fashion statement that seamlessly blends elegance with a touch of edginess. Her appearance at the “Farrey” screening was a testament to her status as a style icon in the Bollywood fashion scene.
Mouni Roy, known for her impeccable fashion sense, donned an uber-chic black faux leather halter neck mini dress. The bodycon ensemble featured a backless design with a thin strap and a stylish cowl neckline, accentuating Mouni’s well-toned physique. The choice of a faux leather mini dress added an edgy touch to her look, highlighting her diva vibes.
Completing her all-black ensemble, Mouni opted for black strap heels that complemented the dress perfectly. Her hair was elegantly styled in sleek pigtail braids, showcasing her signature flair. The actress maintained her classic makeup with kohl-laden eyes, ample mascara, well-structured contours, and a nude matte lip color, defining her glamorous yet sophisticated look.
Mouni Roy’s husband, Suraj Nambiar, looked dapper in an all-black pantsuit, paired with a turtleneck black pullover beneath the black blazer. Together, the couple exuded a stylish and coordinated charm that added to the glamour of the event.
On the work front, Mouni Roy was last seen in Zee tv ‘s reality show Temptations .
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