The action-thriller series “Commando,” starring Adah Sharma and Prem, is set to release on Disney+ Hotstar. Created, directed, and produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, the series is scheduled to premiere on August 11, 2023. The show revolves around Indian agents who find themselves caught behind enemy lines, leading to chaos among Indian authorities. In response, the two best commandos, portrayed by Adah and Prem, are called back into action to rescue their fellow agents and bring them back to their homeland.
The series also features actors Vaibhav Tatwawadi, Shreya Singh Chaudhry, Amit Tigmanshu Dhulia, and Mukesh Chhabra in significant roles. The official trailer was released recently, showcasing intense action and a strong storyline. The caption accompanying the trailer emphasizes the theme of unity and determination among commandos.
“Commando” is produced by Sunshine Pictures Pvt. Ltd. and is part of the Hotstar Specials lineup. The anticipation is building for the high-octane series as fans look forward to its action-packed release on Disney+ Hotstar.