Famous actress Urvashi, who got famous in household by playing the character of Komolika in Ekta Kapoor’s serial Kasauti Zindagi Ki, keeps raising the mercury with her hot pictures on social media. By playing a negative character in the serial, Komolika made a place in millions of hearts, as we all know that the actress is a single mother and living her life alone. Komolika has two sons and in them is the life of the actress.Recently the actress’s pictures are going viral
Urvashi Dholakia has shared photos inside the pool wearing a light brown color monokini on social media.
In these pictures, the actress is wreaking havoc wearing a monokini inside the pool.
Urvashi is very active on the social media platform Instagram and keeps sharing her pictures every day, Urvashi keeps sharing videos with her twin sons. Urvashi is very active on Instagram, many people follow her, due to her hot and bold avatar, the actress remains in the headlines every day, this is not the first time that the actress has shared her bold pictures on the internet.