Padma Rani Omprakash, the maternal grandmother of Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, died on Thursday, June 16. Padma Rani, the wife of filmmaker J Om Prakash, died at the age of 91 from age-related ailments.
According to reports, she had been bedridden for some time and had spent the previous two years with the Roshan family. Her health did not improve, unfortunately.
Pinkie Roshan, Hrithik’s mother, has been posting images of Padma Rani on her Instagram account for the past four months. Pinkie’s mother can be seen laying in bed in one of the photos she posted. Pinkie captioned the photo, “Mothers are special, love you mum.”
She was staying with the Roshan family since the last two years as she was not doing well and was bed-ridden. Hrithik’s mother Pinkie Roshan would share photos with her mother from time to time.
Rest In Peace.