Deepika Padukone, after a hectic two weeks in the French Riviera, spends some quality time with her family. The superstar along with her parents and sister Anisha visits Tirupati temple, a family ritual that the Padukones have followed for years.
Deepika’s father Prakash Padukone celebrates his birthday today on the 10th of June for which the actress took time out, making this trip even more special for the family.
Deepika Padukone can be seen in a pink color traditional attire. The actress also wrapped around her a maroon cloth with a golden border on it. In the clicks, she can be seen walking barefoot on the temple premises. In one of the pictures, Prakash Padukone can also be seen walking beside his daughter.
Deepika Padukone has always been there for her family whenever they needed her and she has been part of most special occasions that she could from birthdays to anniversaries, festivals to even instances when her family was moving homes.
Happy birthday Deepika.