Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor took seven rounds in the balcony of ‘Vastu’ on 14 April 2022. Today both of them have been married for 10 days and now after so many days Alia is seen outside the house. Alia has been spotted at the Mumbai airport.
Have a look on the photos of newly married Alia.
Alia Bhatt carried a black T-shirt with blue denim jeans during this time. And along with this, she carried big golden earrings in her ears. Alia was looking very beautiful in this look.
Alia looked very happy. She was smiling and while smiling, she also showed her hand, on which it can be clearly seen that the mehndi of Alia’s hands is still intact.
Looks like Alia is going somewhere in connection with the shooting of a film. Recently, this information was also revealed that after marriage, everyone will be completely busy in their respective works. A few days back, Ranbir was spotted on his way to the T-Series office.
As for makeup, Alia trusted her natural glow to do the job and it definitely did. He just added a little pop to her lips with a light nude shade.